Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Moment Arrived!!

He pulled up and I swear I almost cried :) Wow, just think how great Heaven is going to be if I am this excited to have a car after being without for only 8 months! I had the courage to drive it to my friend Veronica's house (who lives about 2 minutes away) and around the block a couple times...I am hoping my need for freedom will overcome my fear of crazy African drivers! Thanks, Jon! Your hard work and commitment to wait for the right car reminds me why I married you. But now I can go get my own groceries! :)

Gabriella's first time in her car seat after 8 months. At first she was really excited about the whole situation, but then she started trying to get out (imagine that!). You can kind of see Kolby's head in the back row. He didn't want to pose for the "first car ride" picture! It is amazing how good it feels to get in a car and actually BUCKLE my children up in their car seats! When we take a taxi, Jon sits up front while the kids and I sit in back...no seat belts. Just Mommy hanging onto her babies and trying to not pay attention to how close we come to hitting other cars or pedestrians!

In the SAME day my multi-talented husband made the cake for our August Birthdays celebration...this is his second cake (the first one was an oreo ice cream cake with oreos that he bought in France!)...he decided to go along with the theme Susie and Veronica happened upon while making a pinata :) It was a dinosaur celebration for sure!

Kolby was able to build a special relationship with the dinosaur before he got smashed to bits. Today he is still telling me, "Mommy, I am sorry I had to hit the dinosaur, but he had candy inside!" Thanks Susie and Veronica for our dinosaur good times!

Kristie, Bryce & I's birthday party (poor Bryce got sick and had to miss his own party!) Jon wrote "Happy Prehistoric Birthday" on the cake with a picture of a dinosaur in case you can't see it!

So...I have really had birthday weekend! Who knew Jon would buy me a car for my 30th birthday :) Kidding. Thanks for all the phone calls, emails, and blog singings :) by the way!

I will let you know how learning to drive here goes!


the Johnsons said...

reasa- your pictures make me smile :) and your new ride is sweeet! good job jon, and God :) thanks for sharing your life with us still.

The Tappans said...

That is an amazing car!! I think it is so cute that you cried, I know I would have too if it had been 8 MONTHS!!! I love all the Colby quotes, that made me laugh!! You have some CUTIES!! Little Gabby is getting all grown up. How are you, anyway? Love you guys!!

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog...via Tsh's! So, fun to read about your life there and see pictures...i don't think I had ever seen any of your beautiful little girl. :) I hope you are doing well! Now I can keep up with you via your blog...that makes me happy!