Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our Growing Baby

Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. I really wish I could take the camera and take a picture of his office. It cracks me up. He has a desk that we sit at while we "talk" for about 20 minutes (mostly in English thank goodness!). Then he takes me through a door to his little exam room. It seriously looks like something you would see about 30 years ago in America...minus the ultrasound machine. Here you have an ultrasound every time you go to the doctor. The schedule is different too...you go every 4 weeks no matter what trimester you are in. So the next time I go, I will already be 30 weeks. That is hard to believe. Also you have to go to a lab to give blood before going to see the doctor...EVERY visit. This last week I had to give blood for about 4 tests and also the glucose test. Then you pick up the results and take them to your doctor appointment. I am a pro at giving blood now. I didn't even bruise this time. I got to see our baby BOY (it's been brought to my attention through emails that I have been bad at sharing this news. Sorry!) He weighs 985 grams and measures at almost exactly 26 weeks (which is what I am). We are sticking with Kyler Joshua (the name we loved before Gabby was born). Kolby is super excited for a brother! He randomly comes up to me and asks if he can see him. Then he lifts up my shirt and touches my belly. It's cute. Okay, there are my updates for the day!! Look at me blogging. Gotta do my homework for language class!

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