Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Just being kids

One of my favorite parts of the day is coming home to see what my kids are doing. Nothing out of the ordinary, just having fun being kids. Here is Kolby after he poured his own bowl of cheerios. Don't worry we didn't waste any of those bad boys - Cheerios are a hot item as they have to be imported! Gabby is all smiles no matter where she is, even when we stick her in the armoire for a while. Just playin', she wanted in there.


jordanne said...

YAH! I think it's true, a blog allows us to have a peek into your life there...and provides an outlet for you to share the funny/extremely weird things that happen. Wahoo for Reasa!

Tsh said...

Love that photo of Kolby! Too cute. I completely agree, our blog has been a lifesaver for us living overseas. So many people have thanked us for it, telling us they feel like they can keep up with our everyday life so much more. And you're right, it is a creative outlet.

Yay for Reasa starting a blog! Woo-hoo!