Sunday, April 25, 2010

Booty Bumpers

One of Kolby and Gabby's favorite made up games is called "Booty Bumpers". We aren't sure how they came up with it, we just know they LOVE playing it. This game consists of the 2 of them bumpin' booties. Very simple. Yesterday it resulted in some pain. Gabby got booty bumped right into a dining room chair. I think their game gets a little violent every once in awhile! Not sure how good you can see her face, but it's pretty bruised. Another weird thing added to the list of things parents must say: No more booty bumpin'.


Stacey Gibson said...

My mom had to ban a game my brother and I used to play called "rocket chair". He would lay on the ground and put his feet up. I would sit on his feet and then he's shoot me across the room. It was fun, until I got shot into the wall. Then they game was over.

Anonymous said...

does aunt becky need to come there and establish some order with those kids?? or i'll send grandma hertel instead. i can hear her now, "no more booty bumpin!"