Sunday, February 28, 2010

I can't mess up His plan...

"...and as He stands in victory, sin's curse has lost it's grip on me. For I am His, and He is mine, bought with the precious blood of Christ...No guilt in life, no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me. From life's first cry to final breathe, Jesus commands my destiny. No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand..."(In Christ Alone, Newsboys)

Jesus was gracious to give me a word today. I was writing frantically in my journal, all my thoughts, concerns, fears, guilty really, I don't do this very often so I was freaking out a tad wondering what in the world was going on with me. Read some verses, did some praying, and came downstairs to listen to this song. I can't listen to this song right now without getting goosebumps. As I was listened (for the 10th time) I heard Him whisper, "You cannot mess up my plan." Period. That is it. Truth. He has a plan. I am going to mess up. But b/c of Christ, I cannot mess anything up that He isn't already aware of and can't fix! How about that for confidence today!! No power of hell, no scheme of man, OR any dumb, lazy, thoughtless, or inconsiderate thing I do, can EVER pluck me from His hand. Whew. I feel better.


Erin said...

Amen my friend. Thanks for the amazing reminder. LOVE YOU

Lisa said...

Wow, Reasa. How amazing first of all, that Jesus would whisper in your ear that wonderful insight about who He is and His plan for us. And second of all, that is so encouraging just to read! I've been feeling convicted lately about how I put off my quiet time with Him to do things like this... read blogs and blog, etc. And the whole time I'm thinking about how I could be spending time with Him. But do I? Well, you've just encouraged me to stop here and go do it! Love you friend, and I miss you so much!!!

Jo Hertel said...

I've had those same goosebumps listening to that same song. It is so true and you have quite a revelation there.

Anonymous said...

Amen sista. So happy and proud of you. LOVE YOU!!!!! ~cuz bequita