Saturday, September 26, 2009

Our THREE Children

The morning after baby Kyler arrived...meeting his Big brother and sister. They were super excited to finally hold him and touch him instead of Mommy's belly. Kolby asked, "Why is your stomach still so big?" :) Nothing helps motivate you more than your four year old.
Kyler Joshua, 7 lbs 2 ounces, 20 inches long, and lots of black hair.

Angie took these pics for us of his first week. She did a great job...and it helps of course that all three of our kids are precious!
Gabby and "mick" and her thumb....

(hmm, not sure why this pic is so weird....but I am too tired to take it off and try again...)
Kolby's tooth is still hanging on!

Kyler came 2 weeks early just like I prayed :) It's nice when the Lord answers prayers just the way you want!! He was born on Friday, September 11 at 9:52 p.m. The surprise for me was the way he was born. Kyler decided he wanted to be born face up instead of face down...but the Doctor and his mom decided it was better for him to come face down. After a long, tiring labor, dilated to a 9, I gladly accepted a spinal block so I could endure the Doctor turning Kyler while I pushed. Which really at that point I wanted someone to knock me over the head :) but I could still feel all the contractions (and was given pitocin at that point to increase them so we could get Kyler out). To our relief he was finally out, smashed nose, forehead and all. I had started preparing myself for a c-section. I was so happy the Doctor was willing to wait and help (I will spare all the details of my "african" birth). Yesterday he was 2 weeks old already....and actually today is his actual due date. Jon has been busy getting lots of paperwork together so Kyler can get a passport. On Wednesday we made a trip to the American Embassy (my first time inside). When we left I was like, "Wow! I haven't experienced customer service like that in a long time!" Kyler should have a passport in 10 days.

Now that Kyler has arrived safe and sound, we are working on adjusting to having 3 children, a baby's schedule, and getting to America. Jon stayed home for a week and we have had lots and lots of help from our friends here...great meals, lots of offers to play with Kolby and Gabby while I get rest, and lots of love and encouragement. Kyler is super sweet, so tiny, and seems to be more like his brother already. He likes to eat after exactly 3 hours, he likes to nap most of the day, and he likes when his brother and sister talk to him. His first smiles have been for them. But he has saved some smiles for Jon and I too.


The Websters said...

yea! he's beautiful.

Lisa said...

Reasa!!! He's SO sweet! Love you,

Megan said...

Congrats again! He's gorgeous!

Stacey Gibson said...

So glad to hear everyone's doing ok. Your team has like doubled in size this year or something hasn't it?
We'll be in the "kansas" area around the first week in Dec. If ya'll are around we'd love to hook up with you! Love you friend.

Erin said...

OH- I can not wait to give you a hug in person. Should I send a meal? If I freeze it it'll make it right? :) We love you so much. I was super excited God listened and granted the request- although I had been praying for 9/12 :) LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Nat said...

Wow! I have GOT to send my prayer list to've got a direct line to God?!?! :) Can't wait to kiss on all 3 of your presious offspring. loves!

the Johnsons said...

so, at the delivery class at the hospital the other night (we're trying to brush up!) they totally talked about this/showed it on the video- a baby facing the wrong way. i don't remember learning about this situation before- you're such a trooper! thanks for reminding me to pray about our delivery. feeling more ready, better pack the suitcase now! :)