Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kyler's birthday week

September started out hot here...Kyler found joy in the hose while Jon was watering the grass one night. It was funny b/c Gabby and Kolby just watched him, scared to get to close b/c they didn't know what he would do! He was crazy, spraying himself in the face and anyone who would dare to walk close by.
On Friday we headed to Marsielle, France for a visa trip. Oh darn :) I know I know I'm spoiled. I forget how cool our life is sometimes. We get a little distracted by the stress of it all. But when we sit back and try to de-stress we again realize what a huge opportunity we have to see the world right now. The first day was bad b/c we tried to go to Toys R Us and IKEA. We did make some purchases which of course I am super excited about...but again, it was stressful. The rest of the time in France we just took walks and did some hiking. A much better way to slow down and enjoy seeing new sights. Here our the kids at the beginning of a little hike we took.
Kolby snagged the camera on this walk and took about a "milk-ee-an" photos (K's word for "a lot").
Jon's a crazy man and has spent several visa trips running up this CRAZY hill to see this Catholic church...he told me it was just "a little walk"! Yea right! A little walk straight up for a long time!! But of course he was right, the view at the top was worth it and the building itself was pretty cool. Gabby somehow twisted her ankle the day before so it made it a little tricky...
So on the way down the hill while I took pics here is my hero to the rescue...almost one year old strapped to the back, pushing the 3 year old and then carrying her (along with the heavy backpack) down yet another flight of stairs! Oh it was pretty funny!! I will have to put all these photos on b/c they are pretty sweet.

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