Okay I have been a horrible blogger. Mostly b/c I feel so overwhelmed with not doing it for so long...and I had tried to write one awhile ago with cute videos of the kids but I couldn't get it to work so I got mad and boycotted :)
Well tonight is the night I try again.
New topic than the last though. Thought I would share my stressors for this week. Minor set backs or is this just life?! Probably just life huh?
Last Saturday:
Jon's day to put the final touches on the swing set...digging holes for cement to bolt it down. He went to buy cement and came home with 3 things. You guessed it. A bucket of sand, one of rocks, and a bag of cement. All those trips to Mexico came in handy. Took most of the day!
Go to Carrefor (like a Walmart) as a fam to get some stuff. Had a good time until we got pulled over at a stoplight for not having our tags updated...guess we missed the date by a couple days. Jon makes buddies with the officers while the kids and I sit in the truck with traffic zooming past us on both sides. Conclusion: Can't drive the truck until Jon goes to pay the fine and buy the new tags.
I asked our cleaning lady (again) to scrub the bathtub really good b/c there was so much mold. That night when putting the kids in the tub we see gaping holes where she scrubbed the grout right out! Another project for Jon. Until then, duct tape will have to do.
Since I couldn't drive the truck I had to grab a taxi to go to language class. It just so happens my language class starts at the worst possible time to get a taxi. Kolby, Gabby, and I waited for 40 minutes for a taxi. Then we decided to make the trek home (Jon had dropped us off a ways from our house b/c there was a higher chance of us getting a taxi at that corner and he could drive the truck there and back without seeing any police). Took us 15 minutes, uphill, but we made it. Bonus was they both took naps that afternoon. But I missed my language class.
Our first official new day off!! Oh was it wonderful! Just hanging out together, not trying to get too much done, eating out, and watched The Incredibles again (Kolby's new fav). A much needed day for us.
My friend Veronica called in a panic...get this (long story, short)! She SAW a paint can come flying over her wall, landing in her yard, holding human poo!! Now this is the 3rd or 4th time they have found human POOP in their yard, FIRST time she has actually seen it arrive! In a furry, she runs over and flings it BACK over the wall...only to hear a woman yell, "Skun?! skun?! (who is that? who is that?)" Yeah, so basically they had a long talk with their neighbors that day...it was their workers who have been throwing their POOP over the wall into Veronica's yard!
I wake up, go down to the kitchen and right away notice the microwave isn't on. We have 4 outlets in our kitchen...one for the fridge, one for the AC, one for the oven, so that leaves one for the dishwasher, microwave, coffee pot, and whatever other appliance I need to run while I am cooking. Sure enough we blew that outlet (probably from having so many things plugged in there all the time). Great. Add another thing to Jon's list.
Today (Saturday):
Jon grouted the bath tub. Now we just have to find sealer. On the third load of laundry the washing machine leaked all over. Sorry, babe. Get one thing crossed off, time to add another! :) Poor Jon!!
Thank goodness my real home is in Heaven!! And I am pretty sure I won't need to shower or do laundry there...