Thursday, September 11, 2008

Green means "Go"....

When we first arrived here our friends told us they taught their little boy to say, "Green means 'Go', red means 'stop', and yellow means 'HONK'!" Yesterday I learned just how tricky this whole yellow light thing can be! The kids and I were driving in our big bad truck and were at a stoplight. Here you pull up PAST the actual stop light (which is located on your left) and you are at the mercy of the cars behind you. They HONK at you when the light turns yellow (it goes from red to yellow to green). There was a taxi beside me so I was feeling all confident about pulling up past the light b/c I knew I could just follow the taxis lead...when he took off, I was taking off. All of a sudden there is lots of honking going on and the taxi takes off. So I take off...oops, they weren't honking at us. I thought for sure a taxi driver would know where the honking was actually coming from (since my children were super loud in the back I couldn't really tell, plus I am half deaf, just ask Jon)! So we both pulled out right in front of the cars turning from the other lane straight at us. Oh boy, I saw some hand signs that I haven't noticed before...well, the important thing is bshweya bshweya (slowly slowly) I am learning to drive right? It's a nice have built up frustrations? Just jump in the car and let it ALL out! It's so great!!

Last weekend our friends' little guy turned one. For his party we went to a little amusement park called "Kat Kut". It's CRAZY! It felt like a night out in America or something. We have been there about 4 times now and each time I feel like a new person when I get home. This time was extra special b/c there were 7 little Americans having the time of their lives (okay except for little baby Kate who is only about a month old!). I actually am not sure if the parents enjoyed it more or the kiddos. Kolby and his buds got a chance to drive too. You just never know what to expect here. One day you go to an amusement park, the next day you are excited to actually find Christmas wrapping paper, and yet they are out of ground beef at the store??

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