Grandma came for a visit!
Kolby and Gabby sporting their new clothes from Aunt Jill and Uncle Ben!
Jon being dangerous with our daughter on the beach.
Kolby trying desperately to stay warm on the beach.
The girls that came to teach the kids while the adults played...I mean worked. :)
The crazies who run into the sea every year when its freezing cold...yes, jon is the 5th one from the left.
Kolby: Man! My pants are giving me a wedgy! (thanks, Val!)
Gabby: OOOOH LA-LA! (again, we have Val to thank for that)
Well, let’s see…it’s hard for me to sum up in words our life these days. Too much too explain! But if you have been one of our lucky visitors this spring I don’t have to explain much…the loud rats that have been playing above our heads for the last 3 months progressed to the dead rat smell that fills Gabby’s room (it was filling our whole house for about 2 weeks but I think it’s subsiding in the house, just not in her room…and no, she doesn’t sleep there anymore). We’ve been hosting and traveling. It seems like this spring has flown by. We were on a retreat in another city for a week on the beach…yeah, poor us. Then we headed to France for 3 nights to renew our visa. Oh yeah, haven’t heard any rats lately…the rat guy put purple cubes of poison up in our ceiling. I guess it kills them and dries up their blood so it doesn’t smell? So far no new smells and no noise so maybe it actually worked. So now we move on…with our 2 bedroom house…but my fabulous husband is starting to look for a new house so maybe if the time is right, and the Lord is willing, we will be moving…sucking in our awaited guests Erin, Ian & Amelia, and my parents!
Okay so really I have no idea why this rat ordeal has thrown me into such a whirlwind! Maybe it’s b/c it’s the straw that broke the camel’s back for the time we have been here…maybe it’s b/c I am pregnant and every smell (including opening my fridge) makes me want to throw up…or maybe it’s just b/c my house not being in order and running properly drives me CRAZY! Okay, so it’s all 3 of those. However there is some humor in this. Our landlord ☺. So first they cut a hole in the ceiling and just left it for 2 days. Then we finally got them to let a professional rat guy come over and when he got here our landlady wouldn’t let him look for the dead rat! THEN she starts telling them that we have ants, cockroaches and rats b/c our house is dirty and I don’t dry the dishes before I put them away!!! (Despite the fact that we saw huge rat terds outside our window a couple months ago and when I told the gardener to kill it he said, “It’s okay, it will just go out under the gate.”) Last night landlady came back to tell Jon she was sending someone to seal up the hole in the ceiling. She suggested we just spray smell good spray up there and that will get rid of the smell! Novel idea really.
Moving on from the rat ☺. Other exciting things happening here, we got a bookshelf! I am overjoyed! I had no idea I would be so happy to have a bookshelf! I think it’s b/c its one of a couple pieces of furniture in our house that we got to actually pick out. The other super exciting thing is my mother in law brought us a memory foam mattress topper! Heavenly! Just in time for me to be big, fat and pregnant. AND I now own a crockpot (thanks, Lorie, for bringing us such great stuff!)! Today I made black beans in it (thanks to my mom and Nat!).
I could go on and on...but you really would get bored.
The kids performing for us after our time together! Notice my kids aren't moving their mouths at all...Gabby didn't know what to do with herself she just knew everyone was watching her! And Kolby is a little wrapped up in the new water gun they gave him as a goodbye gift!